Mission: Camp for All

What is Mission Camp for All?

Mission: Camp for All is a new initiative from Inspiration Hills. Born of our desire to continue being an engine for leadership among the young people in our district, we wondered how we could bring in new, fresh families to our churches and the camp. Leadership starts young, with a commitment to a relationship with God.

Our solution comes from that knowledge, coupled with the number of congregations we speak to who say, ‘but we don’t have anyone camp-ages coming to our church!’ In most cases, those congregations still have a line item in their budget every year to send kids to camp. The resources and the will to send kids to camp are there. What’s missing is the kids themselves.

Years ago, we began a partnership with a local school here at Inspiration Hills. We offered 2 scholarships for students, and we let the school decide how to award the scholarships. The result was new campers who got connected with God through their time here. What was lacking was the year-round connection with a church family.

Mission: Camp for All solves both problems in one.

Churches will offer scholarships to their local schools, connecting kids who aren’t already going to camp with a priceless opportunity – and, importantly,  connecting those kids and their families to a congregation that can continue their spiritual development year-round. Using the funds your church has already set aside for camp, your congregation can provide a life-changing ministry to young people in your area.

Connection and Growth

Mission: Camp for All connects your congregation to your local community and connects local young people to camp. Not only will the kids and their families grow through their connection to your church, your congregation will grow.

Changed Lives

Camp changes lives, every day. Kids and teenagers see God in new ways at camp. They focus more on what we’re learning and less on school, technology, and their everyday worries. Through intentional community, focused learning, and connection with creation, God’s presence is felt in new and exciting ways, supporting a real and lasting relationship between campers and God.

How does it work?

Once your congregation is ready to take part in the mission, choose what level of involvement you want to have. We can find a school to connect you with, or you can choose a local school yourself. We can send information and brochures to the school, or you can do that from your church. You can even just send a check to the camp and we’ll handle all the rest, making sure the school and campers know that the scholarship came from your congregation. We will also ask campers to visit your church to tell you a little about their time here, and we’ll help them come up with a fun way to do that (so they aren’t too nervous).

Fill out the form below to get a phone call or email from the camp staff to get you started. We’ll be in touch within a week!